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NMPA holds special training sessions on GRP, RPI
    Pubtime: 2024-07-04

  From June 19 to 26, the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) invited experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) to hold special training sessions on gGood rRegulatory pPractices (GRP) and rRegulatory pPerformance iIndicators (RPI) in Kunming, Southwest China's Yunnan province, so as to promote the construction of China's national vaccine regulatory system and continuously improve the country's vaccine and drug regulatory capacitycapability.

  Experts from the Department of Regulation and Pre-qualification of the WHO headquarters provided detailed explanations on the nine principles of the GRP and their implementation requirements, as well as the development, implementation, and monitoring of the RPI. They also introduced the specific practices of relevant countries and regions and participated in discussions with trainees on specific cases.

  The training was organized by the NMPA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Center for Food and Drug Inspection and co-organized by the Yunnan provincial medical products administration. Officials of related NMPA departments and affiliated institutions participated the training. Related officials from medical products administrations at the provincial level across China participated in the training online.

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