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Anaprazole Sodium Enteric-coated Tablets approved for marketing by China NMPA
    Pubtime: 2023-07-20

  Recently, the Category 1 innovative drug Anaprazole Sodium Enteric-coated Tablets (Chinese trade name: 安久卫) of Xuanzhu (Beijing) Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. is approved by China NMPA. It is an innovative drug independently developed in China and has independent intellectual property rights, indicated for the treatment of duodenal ulcers.

  Anaprazole is a proton pump inhibitor and belongs to benzimidazole compounds. It can inhibit gastric acid secretion by inhibiting enzyme activity of the H+- K+-ATP of parietal cell and reducing the proton transport capacity. The marketing of this drug provides new treatment options for patients with duodenal ulcers.

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